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Underfill Techniques: Automated Dispensing and Jetting

BY ALAN LEWIS Devices that use underfill have proliferated both in package type and volume. The need for underfilling a wide variety of packages for reliability is well established. The equipment used to dispense underfill materials has matured, but the technological improvements for needle dispensing have only been incremental ...

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汉高最新研发的LOCTITE UF3810,是对其先进底部填充胶材料的再次扩充,它采用一种全新的底部填充技术,具有非常卓越的高可靠性能,同时相比以往的几代产品而言,返修更加方便。 LOCTITE UF3810 本着更加出色的性能以及易于使用的原则而设计完成,满足今天高产率设备的多种复杂要求,并兼顾工艺的可操作性。新产品为无铅材料,完全可返修,玻璃转化温度高达100℃...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:7,055 views

Underfill Effects on BGA Drop, Bend, and Thermal Cycle Tests

SIGNIFICANT PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS BY EDWARD IBE, KARL LOH, JING-EN LUAN, AND TONG YAN TEE Underfill typically is not used to encapsulate ball grid arrays (BGAs) or chip scale packages (CSPs) at the board level. However, the use for fine-pitch BGAs and CSPs in handheld devices, such as cell phones and PDAs, in automotive electr...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:7,599 views

Henkel develops reworkable underfill

In today’s electronic devices such as smartphones there are numerous complex engineering components. Expanding on its portfolio of advanced underfill materials, Henkel has developed Loctite UF3810, a new underfill technology that provides extremely high reliability while also enabling easier reworkability as compared to previous ge...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:8,682 views

Fill Patternand Particle Distribution of Underfill Material

Fill Patternand Particle Distribution of  Underfill Material IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES, VOL. 27, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 493 Fill Patternand Particle Distribution ofUnderfill Material Yue Huang, David Bigio, and Michael G. Pecht , Fellow, IEEE Abstract— Underfillscan dramatically improve flip chip reli...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:7,031 views

Underfill Flow as Viscous Flow Between Parallel Plates Driven by Capillary Action

Underfill Flow as Viscous Flow Between Parallel Plates Driven by Capillary Action - Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part C, IEEE Transactions on IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING, AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY-PART ...   Abstruct- Epoxy underfill is often required to enhance the reliability of...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:6,400 views

Underfill Update: NUF, MUF, WUF, and Other Stuff

  Underfill Update: NUF, MUF, WUF, and Other Stuff Dr. Ken Gilleo, Cookson Electronics <kgilleo@ieee.com> Background Many decades ago, the Flip Chip was born of necessity in New York, of all places. IBM was pursuing the optimum process for connecting chips to the outside world. The big mainframe computer makers have always b...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:13,679 views

Adhesion and Debonding of Underfill to SiNx passivation

  Adhesion and Debonding of Underfill to SiNx passivation  Motivation: The overwhelming trend in the microelectronics industry today is to strive toward smaller feature dimensions on each chip.  With the increased number of devices on one integrated circuit, there is a need for packaging that can accommodate the growing population of...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:7,848 views


随着工业界开始大批量生产下一代PoP器件,表面组装和PoP组装的工艺及材料标准必须随之进行改进。 当苹果公司的iPhONe在2007年亮相时,随即便被拆开展现在众人面前,层叠封装(PoP)技术又进入了人们的视野。PoP曾经是众人关注的焦点。然而有相当长的一段时间内PoP消失了。目前,更先进的手机将处理器和存储器结合在一起,PoP又成为这类手机的封装选择方案。 ...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:9,767 views

Underfill for High-end Application

Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd Semiconductor Materials Div. FC-BGA CUF (solder bump) NUF (solder bump) Stacked CSP CUF (solder bump) NUF (solder bump) NCP (Au bump) Stacked Die TH Electrode CUF (High flow) NUF (Voidless) CUF:Capillary flow underfill NUF:Non flow underfill Working on Wonders Flip Chip Trend Silicon ch...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:7,454 views