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namics void prevention experiment

这又是一份namics公司撰写的关于底部填充过程中空洞(气泡)产生的原因及避免的方法的,其中是以其U8439-1型号为例进行分析的。关于空洞(气泡)产生的原因可以总结为两大类,一类是叫Capture void,一类是叫Volatile void。用中文理解就是一类是捕获空洞(气泡)?一类是挥发产生的空洞(气泡)。前面这个Capture void表达可能不够确切,但一时也想不起更好的表达方法。
关于Capture void的产生主要是因为点胶Filleting speed速度大于其在芯片底部的填充速度penetration speed,导致空气无法排出,结果导致空洞的形成,如图所示:

解决的方法就是让The Filleting speed = The penetration speed,采取的措施就是:

1. Shorter dispensing length(减小点胶长度,略小于芯片边长)
2. Smaller dispensing volume(较少每次的点胶量)
3. Enough interval between A and B(留有足够的间隔时间让胶水从一边流到另一边)
4. Higher temperature at dispensing.(点胶时进行预热,具体预热温度需根据情况调试)
Please evaluate between 70 – 110 degrees C, and choose the optimum temperature.
其实这个和我当年在韩国元化学won chemical公司听到的理论是类似的,尤其是第一点和第四点,可惜中国的厂家往往想省略第四点,因为此步增加了预热设备和工艺。
还有一个Volatile void是与多个因素相关的,其中包括以下几个方面,而且影响的程度也是随条件变化而变化的:
1. Leaving time I:Between “Pre-bake substrate” and “Dispensing UF”.
2. The surface of substrate:Roughness of the substrate surface.
3. Preheat conditions:Pre-heat substrate : Temperature and Time
4. Leaving time II:Between “Dispensing UF” and “ Curing”.
1. Influence of the leaving time I
When the leaving time I becomes long,it is easy to generate voids.
2. Influence of the substrate roughness
When the substrate surface is smooth,it is hard to generate a void.
3. Influence of the preheat condition
Preheat (for over 2 minuets at 120, 150 oC) prevented making void.
Preheat is an effective method as the method of preventing making void.
4. Influence of the leaving time
Leaving time after dispensing making voids.


  underfill prevention void (1.3 MB, 7 次)
