Mar 17, 2010
Removal of underfilled BGA
EAST HANOVER, NJ – Zymet has introduced a new silica-filled reworkable board-level underfill encapsulant, X2825, whose coefficient of thermal expansion, CTE, is 26 ppm/°C. The underfill enhances drop and shock test reliability and, compared to highe...
Rework of Underfilled Device
Underfills protect the active surface of the die of flip chips, BGA ad CSP package types while improving their reliability by distributing stress away from the solder interconnects. This increases the performance of products in meeting drop, shock and bend criteria. Newer underfills are specifically des...
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Underfill Materials for Flip Chips and BGA Applications
Ep Silicone Underfill for Flip Chip Application
< Ep silicone sea island structure >
Sunstar’s original polymer technology innovated epoxy formulation
for electronics industry. This sea-island structure makes the epoxy
resin flexible and hard to crack. It abso...
Underfills and Encapsulants
Epoxy based underfill and encapsulant products from United Adhesives are for semiconductor applications such as to attach chip-on-board, bare die, BGA, flip-chip, CSP, etc, or to under-fill the gap between die /chip and substrate, or to encapsulate dies, chips, components, or powder devices.
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Papers | 浏览:9,146 views
Devices that use underfill have proliferated both in package type and volume. The need for underfilling a wide variety of packages for reliability is well established. The equipment used to dispense underfill materials has matured, but the technological improvements for needle dispensing have only been incremental ...
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AIM is pleased to announce the development of One-Step Underfill 688, a non-odorous, low surface tension, reworkable one component epoxy resin designed as a one-step underfill for flip chip, CSP, BGA and µBGA assemblies.
One-Step Underfill 688 is a novel product that acts as a flux and an underfill. Historically, the underfill d...
Introduced by IBM in the 1960s, a flip chip is a computer chip that is attached to a motherboard with solder instead of tiny wires. Underfill is a polymer placed under a flip chip to fill the space between the chip and the motherboard. It protects the active surface of the flip chip from being damaged. If a flip chip is removed from th...
作者:admin | 分类:
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汉高最新研发的LOCTITE UF3810,是对其先进底部填充胶材料的再次扩充,它采用一种全新的底部填充技术,具有非常卓越的高可靠性能,同时相比以往的几代产品而言,返修更加方便。
LOCTITE UF3810 本着更加出色的性能以及易于使用的原则而设计完成,满足今天高产率设备的多种复杂要求,并兼顾工艺的可操作性。新产品为无铅材料,完全可返修,玻璃转化温度高达100℃...
作者:admin | 分类:
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Underfill Jetting & Dispensing
Underfill is used in a wide variety of packages and board level assemblies. Flip chip in package, direct chip attach on boards, stacked die packages, and various BGA assemblies are places where underfill is being used in production today. The "part" to be underfilled can be either a die or the BGA su...
作者:admin | 分类:
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