REWORKABLE CSP and BGA UNDERFILL ENCAPSULANT CN-1703 is a reworkable underfill encapsulant for CSP and BGA encapsulation that cures quickly at low temperature. It is capable of flowing quickly across distances of 750 mils and greater. This encapsulant exhibits excellent adhesion to organic substrates. TYPICAL PROPERTIES Color Cloudy...

作者:admin | 分类:TDS&MSDS | 浏览:7,939 views

In situ Elastic Property Characterization of Flip-Chip Underfills

In situ Elastic Property Characterization of Flip-Chip Underfills Sridhar Canumalla and Michael G. Oravecz Sonoscan, Inc., 530 E. Green Street Bensenville, Illinois 60106, USA. (630) 766-7088/4603 (fax) canumallas@worldnet.att.net ABSTRACT The elastic properties of processing related inhomogeneities, such as filler settling an...

作者:admin | 分类:Papers | 浏览:5,899 views


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FP4526™ provides the following product characteristics: Technology Epoxy Appearance Blue Product Benefits • Low viscosity • Fast flow • Excellent wettability • Excellent adhesion • Ideal for high reliability Applications • Hi-Pb and Pb-free applications Filler Weight, % 63 Cure Heat cure Application Und...

作者:admin | 分类:TDS&MSDS | 浏览:8,715 views


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Hysol® FP4548FC is a high purity, liquid epoxy encapsulant designed as an underfill for flip chip devices. FP4548FC features low coefficient of thermal expansion properties and improved toughness. When fully cured, FP4548FC forms a rigid, low stress seal that dissipates stress on solder joints and extends thermal c...

作者:admin | 分类:TDS&MSDS | 浏览:6,451 views


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UF3801 provides the following product characteristics: Technology Epoxy Appearance Black liquid Cure Heat cure Product Benefits • One component • Reworkable • Fast cure at moderate temperatures • Minimal stress on other components • High Tg • Compatible with most Pb-free and halogen-free solders • Stable...

作者:admin | 分类:TDS&MSDS | 浏览:8,758 views

Underfill 技术概论

Underfill 技术概论 作者: 童 义 猛 Email: tym_gif@yahoo.com.cn 摘要 1 underfill 的概念 1.1 什么叫underfill 1.2 Underfill 的应用原理 1.3 Underfill 的填充物的流动现象 1.4 Underfill 技术的发展历史 2 underfill 的应用范围及其与overfill 的关系 3 underfill 填充材料介绍 3.1 材料构成 3.2 材料的主要应用参数 3.3 化学安全性及处理措施 ...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:9,471 views

Three Bond Technical-Flat Packages Mounting Adhesives

Flat Packages Mounting Adhesives Both consumers and industry are demanding that electronic equipment integrated with IC or LSI be made smaller and lighter, and have enhanced features. Products such as personal computers, video players, video cameras, cellular phones, and audio equipment, as well as automotive electronic products, ar...

作者:admin | 分类:Q&A | 浏览:11,910 views

Three Bond Technical News—Underfill Agent for BGA/CSP Mounting

Underfill Agent for BGA/CSP Mounting Introduction ________________________________________________ With the rapid evolution of such mobile information equipment as cellular telephones, PHSs, laptop PCs, and VTRs with built-in cameras, the market is demanding that electric and electronic equipment be made smaller, lighter, and fas...

作者:admin | 分类:Article | 浏览:6,933 views


倒装芯片:向主流制造工艺推进 对较小外形和较多功能的低成本电子设备的需求继续在增长。这些快速变化的市场挑战着电子制造商,降低制造成本以保证可接受的利润率。倒装芯片装配(flip chip assembly)被认为是推进低成本、高密度便携式电子设备的制造所必须的一项技术。 在低成本应用中,倒装芯片的成功是因为它可达到相对于传统表面贴装元件包装更大的成本效益...

作者:admin | 分类:IC Packaging | 浏览:6,790 views


本文简单介绍现在使用中的五种倒装芯片(flip chip)安装方法。 产品小型化、功能增加和可便携性的需要正推动对倒装片(flip chip)装配的需求。这个技术已经在各种电子产品中使用超过三十年,它当然具有超出传统电子装配的许多优点,但是它可能不是所有装配系统的解决方案(表一)。 表一、倒装片装配的优点与缺点 优点 缺点 高密度电路 设计用于导线接合的芯片...

作者:admin | 分类:IC Packaging | 浏览:7,733 views